Watch The Proper Rotary Swing Golf Grip Video
Much has been written on the importance of a good grip over the years, Ben
Hogan devoted 17 pages to it in his book "Five Fundamentals", making
it seem to many that it is some magical, mystical secret of the swing. But
over the years teaching countless golfers I've learned a couple things. One,
grips come in all shapes and sizes and can still be effective. And two, a
sound grip is important, but very easy to achieve. In this video I show you
the details of getting a good grip on the club that allows the hands to seemlessly
work together as a unit, regardless of your swing type. From there, you can
adjust for your natural tendencies and what works best for your swing and desired ball flight.
To start your grip, stand with your hands down at your side and note how when
completely relaxed, most people's hands will have a slight cupping when standing.
This is a natural position for the wrist to sit in and is something that should
be maintained throughout the swing.

Next, notice how when you bring your arm across your body, how it rotates
slightly creating the appearance that this cupping increases, although it

As you bring your right hand in from underneath and across your body, the
left thumb will sit in the lifeline of the right hand. You should feel very
snug and secure and be able to hold a tee between the thumb and forefinger
of each hand.
You want the "V's" formed by the thumb and forefinger on each hand to point somewhat toward the right side of your body. If they point more to the left, that is considered a weaker grip and will tend to require the golfer rotate the forearms more aggressively through impact to square the clubface. A grip that points more toward the right shoulder will be considered a stronger grip and can result in hooking problems when coupled with a golfer who likes to aggressively release the the hands and clubface through impact. Start neutral and go from there. The most important thing about your grip is that it should feel like a day of perfect weather - you simply don't notice it. If you find yourself fiddling with your grip or feeling uncomfortable, keep a club around you and grip it atleast 20 times a day for a couple weeks to adjust to your new grip.
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