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If I had to pick one swing to be an exact model of in the golfing world, I wouldn't pick Tiger Woods, Ernie Els or any other top player that might come to mind. Nope, I would pick Adrian Wadey, the same guy you've seen on the DVD's with me. When it comes down to everything I look for in a golf swing, this guy has it. Effortless power, core driven rotary motion, superb accuracy, you name it, this swing has it.
With Adrian and I being good friends and having played countless rounds of golf together, I'm obviously very familiar with his golf swing. I've helped him with his swing as he has helped me with mine and I even caddied for him a few years ago at PGA Tour Qualifying School. Even after all that, I still never get bored watching him hit golf balls.
In this video, I'm going to share a swing filmed this summer at the wonderful golf club, Glenwild, in Park City, Utah. The video is of Adrian hitting a 6 iron a little over 215 yards from the face on view. In this video, I talk about some of the things that make Adrian such a phenomenal ball striker and how he gets so much distance out of his clubs with so little effort.
Below, you can see one of the things that is key to Adrian's effortless power. At impact, Wadey has about 11 degrees of forward shaft lean with his 6 iron. In other words, his 6 iron has the effective loft of close to a 3 iron. There's no monkey business going on here to produce this either. No playing the ball in the back of his stance or trying to hit a knock down, this is a "stock" shot. Couple this with a driver clubhead speed of 121 mph, and you've got a recipe for power. In the overlay photo below, you can see just how far his hands are ahead of the clubhead just before impact and how far they are forward of where they were at address. Adrian does this while properly keeping his head behind the ball and maintaining excellent lag coming down into the hitting area.
If all golfers matched this position at impact, golf would be a lot easier!