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Want to add a quick 10 yards to your shots and fix at least 4 common swing
faults with one practice drill? Then scrounge together $20 and buy the best
training aid for the money. The impact bag is probably one of the best training aids
around for several reasons.
One, it helps return your focus to the only point
of the golf swing that really matters - impact.
Two, it helps ingrain the
proper sensations one should feel at impact. And three, it helps train you
to use the bigger muscles in the golf swing to strike the ball. That's a tall
order for a training aid, espeically for something costs less than $20, but
this one can do it all. In this video, I describe two very important, yet
simple and effective drills for how to properly use the impact bag to strike
the ball more with your core and train your body to be in a solid position
at impact.
Using the impact bag is also one of the best ways to "winterize"
your swing for those of you living in cooler climates. You can get just as
much quality practice time indoors working with an impact bag as you can from
hitting one hundred balls on the range.
Here are just a few key things that
using the impact bag will help with:
- 1. Working with an impact bag and making 3/4 swings will help increase clubhead
lag for golfers who tend to overswing and cast from the top. The impact
bag helps return your focus to impact.
- 2. Working with the drills from the video will immediately help those who
tend to cup their wrist through impact and hit with their hands.
- 3. Hitting the impact bag properly will help develop the sensation of keeping
the arms passive and learning to aggressively hit with the body.
- 4. Once you learn how to use your body, you will be able to tap into increased
power and compress the ball properly with less effort.
Look at the sequence below, they are from the video segment above. The goal
that you want to achieve is to have your swing in the hitting area look identical
when you are hitting the impact bag and when you are hitting the ball.
golfers will do it correctly when hitting the bag, but as soon as they start
hitting the ball, their mindset changes and they return to their old habits.
Strive to make the exact same swing when hitting the ball. Note that I have
retained the same amount of lag and my wrist has remained bowed the same amount
in both swings. My body rotation is the same and I am in a very powerful position
to strike the ball and the bag with my body.

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