Strengthens - Core Area - Low back, glutes and quads
Golf Fitness Bridge Exercise Video
Always consult with a physician before undergoing any exercise and stop
immediately if you feel any strain.
Having strong glutes and a fit low back is a critical point not just for
the golf swing, but good physical fitness in general. The Bridge Exercise is
an excellent exercise for detecting imbalances in these areas and for target
strengthening for the rotary golf swing. It is important that you focus on keeping
your hips as high as possible for maximum effect in this exercise. You will
really feel your glutes having to work hard to maintain this position and
feel your other core muscles working to keep you stabalized. It is an excellent
exercise for the one plane swing as it really targets the core muscles used
for stablizing and rotating the body efficiently.
Recommend Rep Range:
3 x 10 Holding each leg up for 5 second counts.