Rotary Swing Hitter Impact Position
For the Rotary Hitter, learning the impact position you are trying to achieve is absolutely the MOST important aspect of building a sound golf swing. The position at impact can only be achieved through performing the fundamentals that apply specifically to the Hitter correctly, so be diligent in learning the sensation of the proper impact. One of the best examples of a Rotary Hitter is Stuart Appleby. Appleby has a flattish appearance at the top of his backswing, but on the way down he works to get his arms back in front of his body. This is the prototypical swing pattern for the Rotary Hitter.
Note the swing sequence below of Appleby. In the first photo, we can see the characteristics of the Rotary Swinger at the top of the swing. The left arm and shoulders are very close to being on the same plane due to a flatter, more compact arm swing and steeper shoulder turn and spine angle. The club also appears to be slightly laid off, however, it is not. In the second photo, note that Appleby has rotatated aggressively from the top and his shoulders are open to the target line just before impact. The important thing to note here is that his arms are much more in front of his body than what would typically be seen of a Rotary Swinger and this is one of the key determinants of being a hitter or swinger for the Rotary golfer. Into the followthrough, we can see that Appleby has matched his shoulder plane by rotating his shoulders level to his spine.

From the face on view, we can see two more critical determinants for the Hitter. First off, note the very compact shoulder turn and arm swing at the top. Because the Hitter is more aggressive in his swing, his swing is more compact at the top to allow for an aggressive release of the arms and make it easier to get them back in front of the body at impact. This can be seen in the second photo where his right elbow is in front of his right hip, rather than staying back behind as can be seen in golfers such as Ben Hogan. In essence, this is the build for the modern power swing that you see on the PGA Tour from golfers such as Appleby and Trevor Immelman who use a very compact move and aggressive arm swing to hit the ball with great speed and power.

As I continue this series, you will begin to understand the dynamics and positions for the Rotary Hitter that you will find very helpful in determining which swing is right for you.
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