Watch "Divots Left Tee Drill" Video
A critical concept in the one plane swing that many golfers have failed to
fully understand while learning the swing is the concept of swinging left.
It is important that the body control the club throughout the swing in order
to take more control out of the smaller muscles of the arms and hands. By
checking your divots and using a simple golf tee, you can quickly groove the
proper feeling of rotation in the swing and immediately improve your ball
striking. During the video, pay close attention to how the club works immediately
to the inside after impact in a natural arc around my body. My arms and hands
do not manipulate the path of the club, it simply swings in an arc and sends
the turf from my divot to the left of the target line.
Note the following three pictures taken from the video segment. If you look
closely you will note how the path of my club is more on top of the ball one
frame before impact. At impact, it is of course square. The important thing
to note is the following frame of film where you can see the club has already
moved immediately to the inside and is heading over the tee to the left of
the shaft. In the final photo you can see the club has continued working left
out over the tee and the ball has come out straight. When you truly start
to get the essence of the one plane swing, you will find that you can swing
left as hard as you want and the ball will never go left. It is a unique sensation
but a very desirable one in the one plane swing.

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