The Three Main Golf Swing Releases |
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Understanding the Release of the Golf Club
by Chuck Quinton
How to properly release the golf club has been a hotly disputed topic for many years. Every instructor has his or her take on the one right way to release the club, but like most things in golf, there is not ONE way to do anything correctly. In fact, according to Henry Cotton of yesteryear, there are THREE ways to release the golf club and I have to agree.
The three main release styles, Cotton termed the Slap-Hinge, the Push Release and the Crossover Release. Each of these releases has its special fit within certain sets of swing fundamentals, including the Rotary Swing. Certain releases favor certain types of swings and don't work as well as others, so it is important to understand the release of the club and how it pertains to your golf swing desires and tendencies.
In today's modern game of power, releasing the club has a tremendous impact on the distance the ball travels and in what direction. In this video, I discuss all three releases, how the fit into the Rotary Swing and the pluses and minuses of each.
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