Ernie Els and Stuart Appleby Slide the Shaft Drill |
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by Chuck Quinton
The slide the shaft drill is one of the most important drills you can do in developing your golf swing. You can see a simple way that you can perform this drill both on the course with two shafts or at home in a mirror in the video so you can practice away from the course. Also, new to this video is an add on section at the end where I have taken two professional golfers swings, in this case Ernie Els and Stuart Appleby and walked you through their swings and how they perform this fundamental in their swing and how it looks in the real world, not just a drill.

At the top, you can see how their shoulders very closely match up to a line drawn at 90 degrees to their spine. As they come down and through, you can see how they again, match up to this line.

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