Golf Biomechanics - Push vs. Pull in the Golf Swing |
by Chuck Quinton
Video features Alison Thietje of Motion Memory Golf, St. Louis, MO
"Golf Biomechanics -Push vs. Pull in the Golf Swing" Video
When looking at the rotary nature of the golf swing, it's important to understand the physics at work and the concepts of centripetal and centrifugal force. This video discusses the concept of a "Push vs. a Pull" in the golf swing and how important it to rotating around your spine and staying centered. For golfers who have never been able to get their back to the target in the backswing, understanding this concept will completely change the way you swing the golf club, especially if you thought you did not have the necessary flexibility to make a full turn. We have a little secret for you, 99% of all golfers have more than enough flexibility to make a complete shoulder turn, they just don't know how.
Many golfers also have shifted off the ball during their backswing and have never been able to stay centered. This common fault is also directly related to pushing vs. pulling, as is a lack of power in the swing. After watching this video, your eyes will begin to open to just how easy it is to make a complete and powerful turn during the backswing without even the slightest hint of sway or moving off center.

Notice how Chuck's head remains perfectly centered as he turns his back to the target correctly using a pulling motion that abides by Newton's Laws of Physics.
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