Golf Biomechanics - 9 to 3 Drill |
by Chuck Quinton
"Golf Biomechanics - 9 to 3 Drill" Video
The 9 to 3 Drill is the key to working on the Rotary Swing Tour while on the range actually hitting balls. While it is much quicker to create new movement patterns without the distraction of hitting a ball and swinging a club, at some point you must begin transitioning to the real world and this is THE drill to guide you through the transition.

At address, note the red line that is drawn up from the center of the ankle.
At the "9 o'clock" position, you can note that the hips have shifted slightly away from the target and the body has turned away.
The crux of the golf swing that should be mastered doing this drill is getting the left hip back into neutral joint alignment so the hip can rotate properly.
At impact, the shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, ankle and knee on the left side align into neutral.

You can this position demonstrated in Tiger Woods Above.
At the follow through position, the club has fully released yet the arms are still in front of the chest.
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