Full Swing
Rotary Swing Tour - Anatomical Absolutes of Golf
Rotary Golf Learning Series
Golf Biomechanics Home Page
1. RST Overview
2. Use of the Hips and Core - Driver Swing
3. Biomechanically Correct Golf Setup and Balance
4. Functional Squat and One Legged Exercises
5. Functional Bridge Exercises
6. Inner Thigh/Hip Exercise
7. Back Stabilizer Exercise
8. Push vs. Pull
9. Golf Core Rotation Exercises
10. Golf Swing Weight Shift - Part 1
11. Golf Swing Weight Shift - To the Right - Part 2
12. Golf Swing Weight Shift - To the Left - Part 3
13. Sean O'Hair - Rotary Swing Tour
14. Common Swing Faults Caused by Setup
15. The Takeaway in the Golf Swing
16. Understanding Shoulder Elevation
17. The Role of the Right Arm in the Takeaway
18. Posture's Affect on the Takeaway
19. Golf Instruction - Muscle Activation
20. Tiger Woods Biomechanics
21. Move 2 - Completing the Backswing
22. Move 3 - The Golf Downswing
23. Creating a Golf Swing Plane
24. Effects of Bad Ball Position
25. 9 to 3 Drill
26. Move 4 - The Follow Through
27. Common Faults in the Follow Through
28. Tiger Woods - Getting Stuck - Downswing
29. Throw the Ball Drill
30. Right Arm Only - Downswing Drill
Rotary Swing Fundamentals
1. Golf Swing Fundamentals Home
2. Athletic Address Position
3. Body Movement
4. The Arms in the Golf Swing
5. Golf Spine Angle
6. Golfswing Takeaway
7. Proper Golf Grip
8. Golf Swing Rhythm Drill
9. Starting the Swing
10. Proper Divot
11.Forearm/Shaft Alignment
12. Head Behind the Ball
13. Golf Swing Wrist Hinge & Cock
14. Hip Turn
15. Hip Rotation Through Impact
16. Takeaway Chin Line
17. Passive Arms in the Golf Swing
18. Biomechanically Shorten Backswing
19. Rotation vs. Tilting Shoulders
20. Golf Swing Transition Bump
Rotary Golf Swing Drills
1. Golf Swing Drills Home
2. Body Drill
3. Impact Bag
4. Divots Left Tee Drill
5. Golf Baseball Swings
6. Broom Drill
7. One Leg Drill
8. Headcover Drill
9. Foam Roller Drill
10. Ben Hogan Pane of Glass
11. Shaft Plane Drill
12. Slide the Shaft Drill
13. 9 o'clock Swing Plane
14. Rotary Drill
15. Penetrating Flight Drill
16. In to Out Tee Drill
17. Neck Tie Drill
18. Bucket Drill for Synchronization
19. Lag Drill - Improve Your Golf Swing
Faults and Fixes
1. Faults & Fixes Home
2. Understanding Your Misses
3. Fixing a Hook
4. Fixing a Slice
5. Hitting Fat
6. Hitting Thin
7. Shots off the Toe
8. Shots off the Heel - Shanking
9. Left Side Breakdown
10. Pulled Shots - Student Analysis
11. Slicing
12. Coming Too Far From the Inside
Advanced Technique
1. Advanced Technique Home
2. Impact vs Address
3. Fade vs Draw
4. Hitting a Draw
5. Hitting a Fade
6. Hit It Low
7. Hit It High
8. Tiger Woods 2 Iron Stinger
9. Driver off the Deck
10. The Three Releases
11. Pinky Grip
12. Arms vs Body Release
Rotary Hitter
1. Rotary Hitter Intro
2. Impact Position
3. Chip Stroke
4. Hitter Backswing
5. Shoulder Turn and Right Arm Throwing Motion
6. Hitter Takeaway
7. Hitter vs Swinger
8. Right Hand Pressure Point w/ the Pure Ball Striker
Two Plane
Golf Impact Video Series
Short Game
1. Swinging Over the Top
2. Flat Left Wrist
3. Driver vs. Irons at Impact
4. Impact Fix Drill
5. Importance of Proper Grip
Bomb Your Driver Series
1. Bomb Your Driver Home Page
2. Ball Speed
3. Clubface Roll
4. Driver Sweetspot
5. Optimum Ball Launch Angle
6. Driver Golf Ball Spin Rate
7. Increase Clubhead Speed with More Lag!
8. Tiger Woods Most Inefficient Driver on PGA Tour
9. Driver Head Center of Gravity Design
Performance Putting Series
Mental Game
1. Forearm Shaft Alignment
2. Putting Distance Control
3. Putting Shaft Drill
4. Putting Acceleration Drill
5. Putting Hand Dominance
6. Face Angle in the Putting Stroke
7. Pendulum Putting Stroke
8. Putting Fitting - Shaft Length and Setup
Wedge Play
Mushin Golf
Golf Instruction
1. Mental Game Home
2. Introduction
3. Taking it to the Course
4. 10 Mental Principals
5. Confidence
6. You Are An Athlete
7. Spring Golf
8. Ultimate Destroyer
9. How To Practice
10. Developing a Mental Putting Routine
Course Management
1. Rotary Swing Golf Academy
2. In Person w/ Chuck Quinton
3. Driver Fittings
4. Demo Matrix Shafts and Nakashima Heads
5. Online Golf Lessons
6. Flightscope Kudu Launch Monitor at RSGA
Golf Equipment
1. Properly Fit Shafts
2. 2006 Golf Ball Review
3. Using a Launch Monitor
4. Sandwedge Bounce Angle
5. Flightscope Kudu Launch Monitor at RSGA
6. Demo a Matrix Driver Shaft!
7. Eyeline Golf Putting Plane
Professional Swings
Pro Golf Swing Sequences Home
Ben Hogan
Member's Swings
Golf Fitness
1. Ben Hogan's Swing
2. Ben Hogan's Shoulder Plane
3. Ben Hogan's Swing Face On
4. Ben Hogan's Swing Down the Line5. Ben Hogan - Reverse Pivot?
6. Ben Hogan's Address Position
Tiger Woods
1. Tiger Woods Swing Dynamics
2. Tiger Woods New Swing with Hank Haney
3. Tiger Woods Address
4. Tiger Woods Takeaway
5. Tiger Woods Backswing
6. Tiger Woods Downswing & Impact
7. Tiger Woods Most Inefficient Driver on PGA Tour
Chuck Quinton
1. Quinton 6 Iron Down the Line
2. 6 Iron Face On
3. Driver Face On
4. Driver Down the Line
5. Chuck Quinton DTL Analysis
6. Quinton Face On Swing Analysis
7. TaylorMade Performance Lab
Paul Dickinson
Stuart Appleby
Ernie Els Golf Swing DTL
Ernie Els Grip
Jose Maria Olazabal
Annika Sorenstam
Peter Jacobsen
Sam Snead
Adrian Wadey Face On
Adrian Wadey Down the Line
Tyler Aldridge 2007 PGA Tour Qualifying School
1. Golf Fitness Exercises
2. Hitting with Your Core
3. Balance on Swiss Ball
4. Golf Fitness Bridge Exercise
5. Stretching the Core
6. Advanced Leg Exercises
7. Intermediate Let Exercises
8. Losing Spine Angle in Golf Swing
Membership Info
Golf Tips & Info
1. One Plane vs. Two Plane Swing
2. One Plane Swing in Depth
3. Model Golf vs. One Plane
4. My Swing Philosophy
5. List of One Plane/Rotary Swing Instructors
6. Golf Chat Live Transcript
7. Golf Blog
8. Analyzing Golf Ball Flight
9. Stop Casting the Club
10. Causes of a Slice
11. Core Performance Golf
12. Efficiency of Movement
13. Fred Couples Golf Swing
14. Releasing the Golf Club
15. Hank Haney's Swing with Tiger Woods
16. Iron Shaft Survey
17. Key Components to Hardy's Swing
18. Losing Spine Angle
19. Mixing One and Two Plane Swing Fundamentals
20. Mushin Golf
21. Passive vs. Active Arms
22. Problem with Jim Hardy's Swing
23. Secret of Clubhead Lag
24. Right Arm in Golf Swing
25. Stuart Appleby's Golf Swing Video
26. Clubface Angle Video
27. Tiger Woods New Swing
by Chuck Quinton
by Chuck Quinton
An all too common swing fault for millions of golfers is to come out of their posture, or lose their spine angle, during the downswing. This "early extension" is something that not only robs the golfer of control and power, but places the golfer at potential risk for injury in the lead hip and lumber spine (low back). Unfortunately, most golfers and even instructors don't understand the biomechanical causes of this common fault, or how to fix it. To first understand how to fix it, let's first look at what it looks like when done correctly from a unique angle.
In the photo sequence below is footage of Tiger Woods hitting a three wood. The image on the left is Tiger after he has already started the club back down during the downswing. Of imporant note here is that BOTH knees are still flexed significantly. In the second photo we can see that Tiger's belt has moved up significantly above where it was during the transition (indicated by the yellow line), almost in a jumping fashion, all the while, maintaining the flex in his right knee. For most amateurs, they never load their gluteus (butt) muscles during the downswing as Tiger has by "squatting" during the transition, which is a tremendous source of power and stability. In fact, many golfer straighten the right leg completely before they finish their backswing. If they do maintain the proper knee flex they start pushing off their right foot in the downswing to spin their hips around as fast as possible, leaving the club and arms stuck behind the body and causing them to lose their spine angle.
Let's take a closer look at what happened during the first image with Woods above from the down the line view. Below, you can see that both Tiger on the right and me on the left have the look of "squatting" during the transition and have maintained or slightly increased our knee flex that we had a the top of the swing. From a biomechanics standpoint this is critical to be able to load the gluteus muscle for power and stability. If you straighten up during this phase, it causes an "over the top" move so common to amateurs and saps all the power from the powerful trunk muscles.
If we look at the top of the swing positions below, we can see that there is about 162 degrees of knee flex at the top of the backswing. Maintaining this knee flex is the most powerful way that you can activate the right glute at this point in the swing to be able to use the ground for leverage during the downswing, or create Vertical Ground Force (VGF).
As we start down, this flex in the right knee is maintained or slightly increased. (Note that it appears to increase more than it actually does do to the fact that the rear leg externally rotates somewhat during the backswing.) This is where the dynamic loading of the glutes is really set into motion and fires off the Stretch Shorten Cycle (SSC). Maintaining the knee flex like this rather than spinning the hips around and straightening up gives the arms more time to work back down in front of the body and gets the club working down on the proper path, as well. It also allows the glutes to be engaged during the downswing for power and support. If the right leg straightens early as it does for so many golfers including Josh from the video, the glutes can no longer apply force to the ground which is necessary for power and control.
Without this very powerful motion and knee flex, there is no way someone my size can generate the clubhead speed I do which maxes out in the upper 120's. The big muscles must be used to both support the rotation of the torso and to apply force while using the ground for leverage. If you want to hit the ball further, you MUST use your glutes!
Let's take a look at what happens when the right leg straightens in the downswing, and in this case study, when it is made worse by straightening during the backswing.
In this example, the golfer has allowed the right leg to completely straighten during the backswing, eliminating the possibility of loading the glutes - the two chunkiest muscles in the body - as they are already near full flexion. To feel this for yourself, stand up and then do a squat. As long as your knees are flexed, you can continue to actively push down into the ground from your glutes. But, once you straighten your knees, you can no longer push and use the ground for leverage using your powerful glute muscles. For most amateurs, this leads to the dreaded over the top move that you can see this golfer performing in the second picture. The shaft should be closer to her right arm than her left at this point. She has nothing left to use but her upper body and this creates a lunge at the ball resulting in a very weak shot.
For better golfers, the problem becomes an issue of the club getting stuck behind them as the come down into impact. This happens because instead of straightening the right leg and then not being able to use it, they keep the leg bent and then use the powerful glutes to spin the hips around ahead of the arms and club. This leads to a path that is too far from the inside and creates blocks and hooks. In both cases, maintaining proper knee flex is the key.
If we bring back the original picture of Tiger Woods, we can now start to see where the payoff is when it comes to power. Again, notice the yellow line I've drawn on his belt in the frame on the left. He's in a tremendously powerful position here, his hips bracing as it he actively works to bring his arms back in front of his body. The glutes are the primary muscles for stabilizing the lower body in the golf swing at impact and are perfectly suited for the job. As he nears impact, notice how much higher his belt is compared to where it was during the transition. This "squat and jump" appearance is Tiger pushing his ankles into the ground during the transition to "anchor" himself to the ground and actively load the glutes by taking advantage of the SSC. As he nears impact, his left glute is pushing hard into the ground to move his body away from the clubhead, further accelerrating the club at the very last instant while stabilizing his lower body against the forces of inertia created by the fast moving clubhead. At impact, note that his right knee, while rotated by his hips toward the target, still maintains its flex.
Teaching golfers this sequence can take weeks but is well worth the effort. But, if you don't have an instructor to help you get this much needed sequence down, we can help! Enter the "Anchor"!
The Anchor Training Aid
The Anchor is the one training aid on the market that helps cure all these ailments in the golf swing and does so not as a gimmicky training aid, but from a pure biomechanics perspective. Developed by Boston Celtics orthopedic surgeon Dr. Brian McKeon, a world-renowned orthopedic surgeon and sports medicine expert, this aid can help dramatically transform your downswing and get you into powerful positions like Tiger Woods you only dreamed of before. Of course, like any training aid, understanding "HOW" to move and "WHERE" to move from is the key to its success, and in this video we discuss those very things that will make the "Anchor" an important element in your training to become a great golfer.
The Anchor works by locking the knee at a set angle throughout the entire swing. The angle is adjustable by the user for your build and setup position. Once locked in place, the right knee remains flexed throughout the swing allowing the golfer to actively engage the right glute throughout the swing and not "stand up" during the backswing or downswing. This constant reinforcement works to train the brain through repetition to maintain the flex throughout the swing. It will not let you straighten up during the backswing and won't let you straighten up during the downswing. Instead, by maintaining your flex, you will be able to feel your right glute activate, perhaps for the first time ever in your swing! This new, powerful feeling will transform your swing if struggle with any of the problems mentioned above, and best of all, it can be worn while playing! You can quickly unlock the brace and walk to your next shot, then simply engage the tabs and it's ready to go!
You can the Anchor in action in our latest video - Maintaining Right Knee Flex.