Watch "The Rotary Drill" Video
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If I had to pick the most important drill I've ever come up with for teaching the Rotary Golf Swing, this would be it. This drill teaches several things, but the most important is how easy and effortless the Rotary Swing really is. When you perform this drill correctly, you will be amazed at how well you hit the golf ball without even trying. If you are looking for simplicity in the golf swing, this is what you've been missing.
The two main pieces the drill teaches are how to get in the proper top of the swing position and how to freely unwind the body on the way down. The proper backswing positioning, both halfway back and at the top of the swing can be quickly and easily learned while performing this drill. Once the proper position at the top is achieved, it's a matter of unwinding correctly on the downswing which you can see demonstrated in this video.
If you have struggled with your golf swing and made the Rotary Swing overly complex, this is the video for you.

Top of the swing and impact using the Rotary Drill.
Get the Rotary Swing Book

The Rotary Drill is also discussed in the book, "The Rotary Swing". The is the "Rotary Swinger's Bible" and is a great, quick and easy reference for those looking for a very simple way to swing the golf club. Purchase a copy of the book today!
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