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Home Posts tagged "pitch shots"

How to Chip in Golf – How to Spin Your Chip Shots

Putting spin on your chip shots and pitches is what every amateur golfer craves. You see the tour pros hit these low-flying shots that look like they’re about to fly over the green. Then, they hit and slam on the brakes, and the ball spins backwards! HOW DO YOU HIT THE SPINNING CHIP SHOT? Learning how

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How to Chip – Golf Tips from Butch Harmon – “Harm”ful to Your Game?

Here’s a great article about a golf tip from Golf Digest where Butch Harmon gives the age old advise of playing the ball back in your stance for hitting chip shots from tight lies. Dave Pelz is another golf instructor who teaches this method, but has this method gone “old-school”? Today’s golf instruction is way

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