I just completed an article on Tiger Woods’ Biomechanics and how it pertains to the Rotary swing 2.0 fundamentals that you guys will be learning this winter. Here is the link to the article: http://www.oneplanegolfswing.com/oneplanemembers/golfbiomechanics/tiger-woods-golf-biomechanics.jsp

Day 4 Progress Report – Golf Biomechanics and the Rotary Swing
Long day, I’m beat, but feel like I made great progess. After working on my swing with the camera for hours, I went to go hit some golf balls outside to see what was going on there. I hit it very straight, but not on the trajectory I’d like. It was a little floaty and

All Torque’d Up…
Still working here guys. I gave Alison a call for a little guidance on something and she has helped jog my memory on some things. First of all, a good backswing is so torque’d up that it would be impossible to hold that position at the top, or even get there in slow motion. I

“300 Workout” Continues….
I’ve made some more progress from yesterday where I was actually pretty happy with the changes that showed up on film in such a short time. Today, I got even better results after my workout this morning. I notice that at certain levels of time, say after maybe every 60-80 swings I really catch on

“300 Workout” – Best Golf Lesson I’ve Ever Given Myself
I’m not sure if you’ve ever seen the movie “300″ but those guys were put through a grueling workout to get themselves into the phenomenal physical conditioning they were in to play the part of the Spartans. A couple men’s health magazines put together some workouts called the “300 Challenge”. I’ve kind of done the

Day 2 Progress – Rotary Swing 2.0
A lot more work poured into my swing today, I’m beat, mentally and physically. It’s tiring working so hard on changing a golf swing and rewards often come in only small doses. Today’s rewards were small, nice straight ball flight, decent speed and I’m getting closer to some positions that I wish to achieve, but

Clubhead Speed Prediction
Is it too early in the race to make a prediction? Given how far out they start calling the President victory, I think this will be ok. After my work over the past couple days with Alison, my own work on the range and some more in the studio tonight, I have made a prediction

120 mph average clubhead speed
Last year when I did the “Bomb Your Driver” research with McChicken from the forum, I spent 3 months hitting nothing but drivers. By the end, we had discovered the perfect driver shafts, heads and launch conditions and I could regularly hit 330-340 yard bombs. After a while, I decided it would be helpful if

Day 1 Progress Report – RS2 Swing Changes
Tiger Woods took 2 years to feel fully comfortable with his swing changes under Hank Haney and Tiger works much more on his swing than I do, so I’m going to keep that in mind as I make these changes. In all, I have a dozen or so changes I’d like to make and I’m

Many ways, but only one biomechanically correct way to swing the club
In my estimation, I’d say there are atleast 8 valid, complete golf swing models out there that someone could take from beginning to end and successfully strike a golf ball. But there is only one way to biomechanically use the body as it was designed to function. Of course, my preference is for my students