Steve Stricker’s ascent to the 3rd in the Official World Golf Rankings is an inspirational story to all of us in the golfing world who are striving to improve our games. Stricker joined the PGA Tour back in 1994 and achieved early success in his fledgling career. In 1996, he won two tournaments and compiled

Why Can’t I Stay Centered?
I am entering my seventh month as a certified RST instructor, and the number one issue that I see plaguing my students is the ability to minimize head movement and stay centered during the swing. While it may seem benign enough, I can tell you this problem destroys speed, power, and efficiency of the golf

Learning Proper Weight Shift…from a Frisbee?
Rotary Swing students must have a firm understanding of one of the key goals of the swing model, to utilize a proper right to left weight shift (for righties) just as we would in any other throwing or hitting sport. Most amateur golfers underestimate the importance of this simple yet critical step in the golf

The Secret to Your Success…
I have been playing the game for 27 years, and I have the calluses to prove it. Back in my amateur days, I was fortunate enough to live on a golf course, and I had the time to spend hours on the range perfecting my swing. I would rise at the crack of dawn and Premier Instruction Website Nearing Launch
The premier golf instruction website,, is nearing launch! Unlike anything you’ve ever seen, this golf instruction website will be the standard by which all other golf instruction websites are measured! The new integrated and custom built video player keeps the videos ordered in the same format as the Rotary Swing Tour Hierarchy of Learning.

6 Months and Counting…
It’s been a little over 6 months since I embarked on changing my golf swing to the Rotary Swing Tour model based on Anatomical Absolutes. It’s been an incredibly exciting, challenging, fun and frustrating experience all rolled into one. The exciting part has been seeing my swing in positions that I’ve never seen before and

Rotary Swing Backswing Enhancements
Continuing to work on the evolution of refining the swing into the simplest set of moving parts on the planet. Here is the swing from my book “The Rotary Swing” on the left and the swing on the right is after working on the changes with the new 2.0 model. It’s clear to see that

Rotary Swing 1.0 vs Rotary Swing 2.0 – Some Differences
To explain all the differences would take a while, so I’m just going to point out a few here that can be seen to help you guys moving along while we prepare to shoot the DVD. The images on the right are from 2005 and the images on the left are from today. At address,

397 Yard Drive Today – 13th at Sugarloaf Mountain
It was a cool day today, around 60 degrees this morning and windy. The 13th hole at Sugarloaf is a hole that is flat until around 250 yards and then starts going downill a bit until around 300 yards where it starts to significantly go downhill. It’s a 507 yard par 4 that was playing

Rotary Swing 2.0 Takes a Turn to Revolutionize Golf Instruction
Last week, I spent four days working with Alison Thietje of Motion Memory Golf in St. Louis, MO. Alison and I had been talking about teaming up because our ideas of the swing are so incredibly similar, but approached from two different angles. I’m primarily concerned with sending the ball to the target with the

Rotary Swing 2.0 – Lesson 1
So, I’ve been working on the Rotary Swing 2.0 concepts into my lessons and wanted to share with you some video of the first official “Rotary Swing 2.0″ lesson that I gave. He is a high handicapper, as evident by the first two baseline swings you can see in the video. His posture at address

Finally played golf today…
I’ve been working hard on the changes and been busy teaching, so it was nice today to get out and actually play golf. Yesterday, I was doing the first day of a mini 2 day clinic for a couple of students and in the afternoon we went out and played 9 holes. This was the

Made Progress with the Driver
It’s far from where I want to be, but, it’s progress. These swings were taken about an hour a part. The photos on the left are the baseline swing (embarrassingly horrible) are the baseline swings and the swings on the right are after some video work. I post the baseline swing because it is SOOO

112 mph 8 Iron – Breaking the Speed Limit
My “300 Workouts” have left me with a lot of confidence that while making a controlled swing I can get into many of the positions I want, but the problem is that it’s a controlled swing. By controlled, I mean that when I practice and film I’m often swinging between 60% and 70% of full

Hindsight is 20/20 in Golf
Today, I’m working on another view after Alison requested a swing of mine from this angle. This is a great angle to see just how the key muscles of the backside to the Rotary Swing 2.0 are working. I have some really bad habits in my golf swing that I’m learning to break with Alison’s