Ray Wyvill, who provides golf lessons in the metropolitan Washington/Baltimore area, added Rotary Swing Tour (RST) Golf Instructor Certification to his instruction résumé and teaches the safest, most efficient swing humanly possible.

How To Properly Learn the Golf Swing
You’ve probably heard the old saying that if people tried to learn how to make love the same way they go about learning the golf swing that the human race become extinct. Sadly, golfers have millions of dollars in lessons and rarely ever improve. No matter how good the intentions of the instructor are, if

Former David Leadbetter Student Switches to Rotary Swing Tour
Golfers who are very serious about their games and understand the swing well typically stick with an instructor they believe shares similar ideas for a long time. Ik-Joon Lee falls under that category. After working with David Leadbetter for 6 years at the IMG Academy which costs over $50k per year for the privilege, Ik-Joon

Why Golf Swing Movement Instruction’s Not ALWAYS Better Than Ball Flight Instruction…
By Sam Jarman, RST Certified Instructor – Level 1 I’m writing this after reading Chuck’s excellent article about Ball flight teachers on the blog. This is perhaps the most common sense I’ve read in one place about the different approaches to teaching the golf swing. Chuck was in turn responding to an email I received from

Ball Flight Teachers
In the world of golf instruction, there are basically two different types of teachers – ball flight teachers and method teachers. As someone who has spent years researching and developing the golf swing, it should come as no surprise that I fall in to the latter as a method teacher. RST is a method based

Golfers Receive Unlimited Online Golf Lessons from RotarySwing.com’s Certified Instructors for Less than the Cost of One In-person Lesson
RotarySwing.com’s Latest Innovation, Online Learning Groups, Bridges the Gap Between Its Twenty-plus Hours of Online Golf Instruction Videos and In-person Lessons by Offering One Low Monthly Payment for Unlimited Online Golf Lessons with a Certified Instructor.

Learn How I’m Fixing My Top of Backswing Position with Proper Practice…
Proper practice with mirrors—but without a golf ball—helped RST Certified Instructor Sam Jarman improve his top of backswing position and can help you as well.

The Most Worthless Criterion for Making U.S. Ryder Cup Selections
Why do so many of the so-called experts insist that prior Ryder Cup experience should play a large role in U.S. Captain Corey Pavin’s at-large Ryder Cup selections?

RotarySwing.com’s Free Golf Instruction Videos Eliminate Golf Swing Confusion, Helping Golfers—and the Company—Improve
Thanks to the Two-plus Hours of Free Golf Instruction Videos Online, RotarySwing.com’s Free Members Overcome Prior Golf Swing Confusion, Leading to Better Scores and Driving Many to Become Premium Members.

Where in the world is CQ?
Hey guys, summer is sadly on the other side of the hill now for most of you as we near mid-August and I’ve been getting a lot of emails about what the heck I’m doing this summer and where’s the Christina Project? Don’t worry, it will be up and running soon, but you can blame

Chuck Quinton Praises FlightScope Support Team
In addition to relying on his FlightScope Prime for club fittings and as an instruction tool, Chuck Quinton knows he can rely on the FlightScope support team as well.

Rotary Swing Tour Certification Manual Review – 5 Stars
The word is in, the Rotary Swing Tour Certification Manual, my second book, has gotten rave reviews. Everyone has been very pleased with the book and it is now starting to be reviewed on Amazon.com at Rotary Swing Certification Manual Review Add your review of RST Certification Manual by visiting Amazon.com today!

FlightScope Prime – Not Just for Driver Fittings Anymore
FlightScope has come a long way in the development of their launch monitor that we use here for our fittings at the Rotary Swing Golf Academy. Now, it has become an invaluable instruction tool that I am currently using to optimize my swing for ideal launch conditions here in Colorado where I spend the summer.

Golfers Wanting Denver Golf Lessons Will Learn Proper Biomechanics from a Teacher that Completed Rotary Swing Golf Instructor Training
Roger Alvarado, who provides Denver golf lessons, has passed the first Rotary Swing Tour (RST) Golf Instructor Training course and teaches the safest, most efficient swing humanly possible.

RotarySwing.com’s iPad Golf Instruction Capability Offers Affordable Alternative to In-person Golf Lessons, Allowing Golfers to Watch Online Golf Videos While Practicing
Golfers now have an inexpensive alternative to in-person golf lessons via RotarySwing.com’s new iPad golf instruction feature, allowing golf instruction video playback on the practice tee.