It was a cool day today, around 60 degrees this morning and windy. The 13th hole at Sugarloaf is a hole that is flat until around 250 yards and then starts going downill a bit until around 300 yards where it starts to significantly go downhill. It’s a 507 yard par 4 that was playing downwind. If I hit a good drive here, I’m typically about 200 yards out and hitting a 7 iron because the second shot is where the hole really starts to play downhill. Not today
After giving some lessons and hitting a couple balls, I went out to the 13th to play a few holes. We’re overseeding the range right now, so Sugarloaf is on a temporary tee box where we can’t hit drivers on the range, so I wasn’t warmed up very well. I decided to go this hole and hit my first drive of the day. Not being warmed up, I took it pretty easy, I thought, and smashed a drive. Zero effort, didn’t feel a thing and it was as straight as an arrow. Knowing I hit it well, I went to my “usual” spot in the fairway but my ball was nowhere to be found. I saw something shining down near the bottom of the hill about 100 yards away, but my eyesight’s not that great, so I couldn’t tell what it was. When I drove down to the bottom and realized it was my ball, I was STOKED! Hey, I still get excited about smashed tee shots! I found the closest sprinkler head that read 120 to the middle of the green and I was 10 yards ahead of it for a total of 397 yards off the tee! The pin was upfront to boot, so I hit a lob wedge to the hole. Not bad, driver, lob wedge to a 507 yard hole. It was downhill and downwind, but still a poke and 100 yards longer than normal for me, so I’ll take it. There might be something to this Rotary Swing 2.0 stuff. Did I mention I felt no effort?
That is just downright silly!
Hi Chuck,
397, that’s obscene!
Just thought I’d drop a note to say I’ve been bringing in some of the RS2 stuff to my own game, and I’m so happy with the results. The setup feels awesome, so stable and balanced. Alison’s comment in the sminar about starting the backswing with the right shoulder blade has pretty much sorted my overswing and untidy right arm, and I’m hitting the ball the best I ever have. I played a pro am today with a couple of guys I play regularly with and they were both, like “Hell, what happened to you, you’re just nailing it!” I shot 2 under and chipped and putted like a blind man
. 70 was absolutely the worst I could have been.
Anyway, can’t wait for the full SP on this.
Apologies to any blind golfers out there, I know some of you guys putt great