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Home Golf Instruction It’s Night and Day After Lesson from Chuck

It’s Night and Day After Lesson from Chuck

Well I have gone on and on about my lesson with Chuck and how awesome it went and that the key point was that I had ZERO shoulder turn (believe it the one on the right is at the top of my old backswing) and since I started doing the 185 slow motion swings working on sliding the right scapula back I wanted to take a quick video in the backyard just to see if there is any actual progress. Now I am sure there are other things to work (left leg) but when I do the 185 swings I have only been working on shoulder turn. So here it is the before Chuck lesson and after. Remember this is just a quick swing in the back with no warm up. I am very excited with what I see here and can’t wait for the next step. I think tomorrow I will concentrate more on the left leg…

Todays swing is on the left and before is on the right

Todays swing is on the left and before is on the right

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4 Responses

  1. Steve

    Rotation looks better, but club face is super shut at the top.

  2. mship

    Definitely but like I said other things to work on…cold swing in the back yard… It will come together. For me it was super important to just work on rotation. Another week of this then I can move on to the next issue.

  3. That’s the perfect approach Mike. Don’t sweat everything at once, it’s a journey and we need to get the correct body movements first.

  4. Dean Mitchell(Swing_King)

    That’s great progress, Mike, well done, mate.

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