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Home Golf Instruction How to Chip – Golf Tips from Butch Harmon – “Harm”ful to Your Game?

How to Chip – Golf Tips from Butch Harmon – “Harm”ful to Your Game?

Tired of laying the sod over your chips?

Here’s a great article about a golf tip from Golf Digest where Butch Harmon gives the age old advise of playing the ball back in your stance for hitting chip shots from tight lies. Dave Pelz is another golf instructor who teaches this method, but has this method gone “old-school”?

Today’s golf instruction is way more advanced than it was even 10 years ago. The use of high speed cameras, high tech computers and launch monitors has changed our understanding of the game – even in chipping. With today’s launch monitors like the Flight Scope X2, we can see how much spin even a chip shot has!

However, even with this much understanding of the mechanics of the golf swing now, many golf instructors seem to be stuck in their ways. They refuse to change their instruction methods even in the face of overwhelming scientific evidence. However, in the case of this chipping tip from Butch Harmon, you don’t need a launch monitor to figure out why this is bad advice.

If you’re tired of laying the sod over your chips, read this very informative golf tip here: “The Modern Chipping Stroke – Golf Tip to Never Hit a Fat Chip Again!”

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