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Home Golf Instruction Leggo my EGO!

Leggo my EGO!

When I wrote this I was done. I had no confidence and was utterly embarrassed to hit a ball in front of anyone. So posting my sequence for all to see was a very big first step for me.

Posted 9 October 2008

This is the most difficult thing I have done in a long time but it is the first step. A good swift kick in in the nizuts of that T-Rex ego of mine. I have my first one on one with the great one this weekend and I have been engorging myself in the mental game area. Using strong words not weak such as “I will…” not “I will try” and I will be using Doc’s reframing technique through the process….well here it is…… I will get it done…I have to or as you can see I will break my back  (sorry about the shutter speed)















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