The Fundamental Flaws of Biomechanical Research of the Golf Swing
by Chuck Quinton of Rotary Swing
A tremendous amount of research has been done in the field of the biomechanics of the golf swing over the past 10 years, but it is fundamentally flawed in one key area. The vast majority of popularized study, if not all, has been based on what top golfers do in their golf swing, NOT what is biomechanically ideal. Basing research on what a group of golfers do to propel a ball is not going to provide absolutes, it's simply giving generalizations about what better ball strikers do. We should all know by now that swinging like Jack Nicklaus, Tom Watson and Johnny Miller is NOT a biomechanically sound way to swing the golf club given the severe nature of the back and hip problems these great players have had over their careers as a direct result of poor biomechanics. That's not to say these aren't valid ways to swing the club, obviously these were three of the greatest players of the game. There are numerous ways to successfully swing a club and send the ball toward the target but there is only ONE ideal way to swing the club biomechanically correctly using Newton's laws of physics that will both send the ball accurately and powerfully to the target while dramatically lessening the likelihood of injury.
Enter Rotary Swing Tour
Rotary Swing Tour is a search into the absolutes of golf biomechanics; irrefutable fact on how the body was engineered to create powerful and centered rotation around the spine. It is NOT observations and generalizations about how other players swing the club. It's also not an exploration into opinions of "well, this swing thought works for me." It is an evolution of a valid and very successful swing model, the Rotary Swing, into a purely biomechanically correct, and powerful way to swing the golf club. Alison Thietje who helped in the initial research put it best: "We offer: No theories! No opinions! Only absolutes!"
Combining the forces of a golf mechanics expert such as myself with biomechanics experts, orthopedists and learning experts has finally bridged the gap between golf feel and golf fact. Our research is backed by a panel of medical advisors including several surgeons who perform hundreds of surgeries from golf related injuries each year. They know first hand from a medical perspective exactly what golf swing flaws, and worse yet, common golf instruction advice given to students that is in fact CAUSING these injuries. We are committed to the creation of a new paradigm in fitness and golf instruction that is not simply another golf swing theory, but is based on fundamental laws of rotational movement as it applies to human anatomy.
Below is a grouping of the videos and articles that are published on this website covering this field. Please note the that vast majority of information is made available in the videos, the articles are short to simply provide an introduction to the subject matter.